
Showing posts from October 26, 2008

Playing Quake 3 Arena in Linux

Successfully installed Quake 3 Arena with Wine. Started playing.. and enjoying a lot!! Type wine /pathtocdrom/setup.exe to install the game. Type wine quake3.exe in the installation directory to run the game. Screenshot is attached.

Wine : Running windows programs on Linux I followed this great tutorial. I could run putty.exe on Windows!! The wine version I have used is : wine-1.1.7-2.1.i586.rpm Other than this wine rpm, I have not installed anything!!

Installing nvidia driver on Opensuse 10.2

openSUSE 10.2 It is very easy, most of the time. WARNING: The NVIDIA driver RPMs for openSUSE 10.2 are built against the default kernel on the DVD and they should work after kernel updates provided trough YaST Online Update (YOU), but sometimes they don't, because the kernel update, forced by security reasons, broke compatibility with previous version. In this case you should follow instructions in the section The Hard Way to restore 3D. 1. Import the NVIDIA GnuPG key. Login in console as root user and type, or simply copy and paste using mouse: rpm --import 2. Add the NVIDIA rpm-md repository: to the package manager. * To do this in YaST, go to Software -> Installation Source. Now hit Add and then select Specify URL. In there, enter the above URL and then hit Next, and then Finish. * Or, to do this in Zypper execute: zypper sa