
Showing posts from June 8, 2008

Netbeans installed successfully

Netbeans was installed successfully! Here is a screenshot. Failures First I installed netbeans by changing to root. And this failed. Steps Suppose you are currently logged in as user1. > su > Now type the password. manojtesting You are "root". Now if you run the Netbeans installer , it fails. But if you dont do "su", then Netbeans gets installed successfully!!

Downloading of jdk complete..what next?

The jdk was downloaded as .bin Running it as ./filename did not work. Nor did just typing the filename. Google gave the answer like this.. sh filename.bin It worked!! First the license agreement... Pressed "Enter" a zillion times...:) Now i type "yes" and press "Enter". It worked!! JDK was installed. Output Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 successfully installed. JDK never asks the user where to install the Jdk. It installs itself in the same directory where the jdk installer was run.. Just remember that!!!

Aim -> To install Netbeans 6.1 on Linux

Downloaded Netbeand 6.1 Linux version. My linux box is OpenSuse, by the way. Installing it gave me the message.. It cannot find the jdk. Checking that ..found it to be true.. the machine did not have jdk, only java runtime. Going to the sun site Ya, here it is. Linux self-extracting file jdk-6u6-linux-i586.bin 67.25 MB Will take one hour approximately... See you in one hour...

Extreme sports

I like doing these kinds of stuff ;) Here is the photo...!!

Free CSS?

Need to check on this site!!

Learning ruby - Baby steps

Baby Steps... First you must have an editor. For practical reasons, I suggest Netbeans IDE 6.1 Go ahead and download it. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux! First program -Hello world puts displays output to the screen. To print hello world: puts "Hellow world" (Bold letters are source code). The opposite of puts is gets. eg: value =gets() It returns whatever the user has typed on the screen. you can embed a variable inside a string like this. Syntax: print( 'What is your name: ' ) name = gets() puts( "Hello #{name}" ) By the way, I tried "SciTE" - the default editor which comes with Ruby. Good, but not great. Then I tried Netbeans 6.1. It was amazing!! 1. Intelli sense -> you type a method, all methods are there in the pop-up, with descriptions and usage! A great tool to learn the language and get good at it!! 2. Auto completion -> You say "def" and type the function name and "end" is automatically typed and align...

New login created for irctc

New login "manoj????" was created. each question mark is related to my Persistent office equipment. The password is as usual.

IRCTC Railway ticket booking This is a great site for booking your railway tickets. Just create a login and book your tickets upto three months in advance. You can book "tatkal" tickets as well. Credit card is mandatory. Debit problems give some problems with this site.

Multiple Gmail ID's in gmail

How can you get multiple email id's from one gmail account? Here is the scenario. The product I test requires multiple users. Each user has to sign up first and the password is sent to his email account. I have one gmail account. And I dont want to create 20 gmail accounts. What should I do? The solution was provided by Saurabh Seth ( and his brother). Send the mail to "<username> +<junk value> So example email addresses would be.. (assuming my email address is 1. 2. 3. etc....

Python for beginners

Hey, I have decided to study Python. I will be continuing this as a series... Typing in what I study each day. So watch the topics posted! Python was created BY Guido van Rossum. It is a general purpose lanague, very fast ( but not as much as C) and we can program it at a higher level of abstraction. Python is easy to learn, easy to use and at the same time highly powerful. founded Python is implemented in three flavours. 1. CPython (this is the "Standard" Python. It was developed first and is more stable than any other implementation). 2.JPython ( Python for java language - all functions of Python _+ all functions of Java is available. Requires the JVM) 3. Iron Python ( Python implementation for dot net developers. Supports .net functionality).

Mustard functions - Hypothetical interpreter for GUI Testing

Here are the functions of the hypothetical interpreter "Mustard'. MUSTARD FUNCTIONS Login CLICK TAB SPACE ENTER TYPE CHECK EXEC DELAY END BEGIN TYPEFILE 1. Login: Used for logging into a web page. The url of the web page should be stored in Url.txt. The X and Y co-ordinates of “username” text box should be stored after that. An ideal url file (url.txt) would look as given below. https://ps2332/S3Control/index.jsp 488 321 Work flow Web page is opened with address https://ps2332/S3Control/index.jsp. In the login page, the point 488, 321 is clicked. This brings the cursor inside the “username” text box. Now the username “A” is typed. TAB is pressed to go to “password” text box. Password “B” is typed. TAB is pressed to bring focus to “Login” button. The “Enter” key is pressed to login to the page. Usage: Login A B A= username B= password 2. CLICK: The function is used for simulating mouse click on any point on the screen. Usage: CLICK X Y X= x co-ordinate of point to b...

Tool for capturing and tracking requirements

I am looking for a free tool - good if it is opensource - great if it in python or java - the two languages i like best. The tool should be able to capture requirements. We should be able to track it as well. I am imagining three checkboxes - 1) completed 2) Not done 3) In progress and a text box called "Comments" against each of these requirements.