
Showing posts from October 30, 2011

How can i get numbers out of a screenshot?

Sometimes people have a screenshot and they painstakingly go over the numbers. Manually reading the numbers and typing it out in notepad. Then use the calculator in windows to find the sum, average etc. I found this recently in my team, where some of us were actually looking at the VSTS tables while the run was going on, typing out the numbers (eg: cpu, memory etc) into notepad and finding the average using excel. Well, not anymore! Here is the solution using image recognition software. Solution : Use an image recognition software like  "JOCR" (thanks to Sreedhar D) uploaded to "\\nftparing box\D\SOFT\ImageRecognition.exe". When the software is run, it asks for the area to capture. Drag a screen area around the table (or the screenshot) u want to capture. The output would be a set of numbers. Copy paste into Excel and click on the "Average" button in Excel. And you are done!

The pesky scrollbars on Remote desktop - Finally fixed!!

  The problem We always had scrollbars (vertical as well as horizontal) when we connect to remote desktop (eg: nftRunbox01). This meant we had to scroll up and down many times to work on rotheram environments.  Full screen was an option, but we wanted to see the taskbar as well as the messages from skype (Paul). I remember my colleagues would not allow pairing unless the scroll bar issue was fixed. :)  We ended up editing rdp files and what we tried to do was... desktopwidth:i:1437 desktopheight:i:865 session bpp:i:24 winposstr:s:0,1,0,20,1437,865 We changed the winposstr values so that horizontal and vertical scroll bars disappear. This was a trial and error method and consumed a lot of time (10 to 15 mts). I looked at a few open source projects and found a project on sourceforge which solved the problem. I was still looking for a way (easier) to solve the scroll bar issue. Solution Just add the following line to your .rdp file. smart sizing:i:1 Old RDP File desktopw...