
Showing posts from December 21, 2014

Windows Phone 8.1 apps can’t have background tasks for location tracking

Once i submitted my app, this is the error I got from store. Was upgrading my app from windows 8.0 to 8.1 a bad idea? The issue told in all blog posts was that i cannot use "background location tracking" if i am creating windows 8.1 silverlight phone apps. Even after I removed all code for background processing, the error still persisted.  Finally, the answer was in the "WMAppManifest.xml" file. I had created the app in Windows phone 8.0, but when app was upgraded  to 8.1, Visual studio forgot to remove the following lines from the xml.  <Tasks>       <DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="MainPage.xaml">         <BackgroundExecution>           <ExecutionType Name="LocationTracking" />         </BackgroundExecution>       </DefaultTask>   Once it was manually removed, the store accepted my app. Here is the final xml. <Tasks>       <DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage=...

Getting images quickly for your windows phone app development

Windows phone deployment to Windows store requires a lot of images which are very specific in terms of image size. You can generate all the images you require (from your own single image source file) from the following website.   I have used it and it is really cool! All the images are generated and you can download all the images as a zip file for free.