Selenium Rc
I was using selenium rc and ruby a few months back. Today when I tried using it, there are a lot of changes and there is no documentation. Let me go through the differences between old and new. Old Download selenium remote control. It is a zip file. Unzip the file. Now you will find the selenium server ( a jar file which u have to run from the command prompt) and the selenium client for ruby ( a driver file in the respective language, ie for ruby, u may expect selenium.rb) Just copy selenium.rb to the project . In Netbeans IDE, u have to right click project, select properties, add to project ( jar or folder) and select the appropriate client driver. New In the ruby client folder, no selenium.rb exists. A doc folder is present which asks us to install the selenium gem. Great, now it is a gem, but what am i supposed to do after that. I installed the gem. When i run the ruby tests, a lot of errors come up. When i google for these errors, no help comes up. Dot net to the rescue I created a...