Python for beginners
Hey, I have decided to study Python.
I will be continuing this as a series...
Typing in what I study each day. So watch the topics posted!
Python was created BY Guido van Rossum.
It is a general purpose lanague, very fast ( but not as much as C) and we can program it at a higher level of abstraction.
Python is easy to learn, easy to use and at the same time highly powerful.
Python is implemented in three flavours.
1. CPython (this is the "Standard" Python. It was developed first and is more stable than any other implementation).
2.JPython ( Python for java language - all functions of Python _+ all functions of Java is available. Requires the JVM)
3. Iron Python ( Python implementation for dot net developers. Supports .net functionality).
I will be continuing this as a series...
Typing in what I study each day. So watch the topics posted!
Python was created BY Guido van Rossum.
It is a general purpose lanague, very fast ( but not as much as C) and we can program it at a higher level of abstraction.
Python is easy to learn, easy to use and at the same time highly powerful.
Python is implemented in three flavours.
1. CPython (this is the "Standard" Python. It was developed first and is more stable than any other implementation).
2.JPython ( Python for java language - all functions of Python _+ all functions of Java is available. Requires the JVM)
3. Iron Python ( Python implementation for dot net developers. Supports .net functionality).
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