Speeding up video playback on xine

To speedup videoplayback, you should enable DMA.

> hdparm -d /dev/dvd
bash: hdparm: command not found

Googled it. First result, you have to be logged in as root.
Here goes.

guest@linux-7vgo:~> su
linux-7vgo:/home/guest #
linux-7vgo:/home/guest # bash: hdparm: command not found
bash: bash:: command not found

Now second result in google says " you have to login as root as -1".
Here goes..

linux-7vgo:/home/guest # su -l
linux-7vgo:~ # hdparm -d /dev/dvd

using_dma = 1 (on)


If it is off (0), we have to enable it.
sudo hdparm -d 1 $DVD_DEVICE


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