
Showing posts from 2008

Installed today in linux - ubuntu

Successf ully installed the following. 1. Adobe acrobat reader - it should be a ".deb" package. Not an "rpm. I made that mistake here. If you are using Open Suse, then rpm would be fine. 2. Installed Virtual box - Then installed Window XP in it. - > Windows XP is working fine. 3. Installed JDK  - > and net beans on top of that.

Scribefire - easy blogging for everybody

I installed scribe fire. This is one tool I like best. Easy to blog, with no hassles. You can expect a lot more blogs in my site - with this tool! :)

I wanna run ALL windows programs on Linux!!

The solution seems to be "virtualization". Let me install vmware players and I will let you know the results. Tristan Rhodes tells us about the five possible alternatives here-> 1. Use an open source alternative instead. And he gives the website ( which can provide open-source alternatives to any windows program u want. 2. Buy a commercial product that was designed for Linux 3. Use Wine to run the application in Linux -> The drawback is that all applications cannot be ported to linux. 4. Run Windows in a Virtual Machine -> Virtual box seems to be promising. I will let you know the results. 5. Run the application on a remote Windows system --> This is when you already have a windows server running for you. :)

Playing Quake 3 Arena in Linux

Successfully installed Quake 3 Arena with Wine. Started playing.. and enjoying a lot!! Type wine /pathtocdrom/setup.exe to install the game. Type wine quake3.exe in the installation directory to run the game. Screenshot is attached.

Wine : Running windows programs on Linux I followed this great tutorial. I could run putty.exe on Windows!! The wine version I have used is : wine-1.1.7-2.1.i586.rpm Other than this wine rpm, I have not installed anything!!

Installing nvidia driver on Opensuse 10.2

openSUSE 10.2 It is very easy, most of the time. WARNING: The NVIDIA driver RPMs for openSUSE 10.2 are built against the default kernel on the DVD and they should work after kernel updates provided trough YaST Online Update (YOU), but sometimes they don't, because the kernel update, forced by security reasons, broke compatibility with previous version. In this case you should follow instructions in the section The Hard Way to restore 3D. 1. Import the NVIDIA GnuPG key. Login in console as root user and type, or simply copy and paste using mouse: rpm --import 2. Add the NVIDIA rpm-md repository: to the package manager. * To do this in YaST, go to Software -> Installation Source. Now hit Add and then select Specify URL. In there, enter the above URL and then hit Next, and then Finish. * Or, to do this in Zypper execute: zypper sa

Xine FAQ

Step by step guide to run xine You need to download the xine engine (libxine). Get the libxine rpm which more closely matches yourCPU: libxine1-(version)-xxxxxx.i586.rpm for Pentium/Pentium MMX libxine1-(version)-xxxxxx.i686.rpm for Pentium II/III/IV libxine1-(version)-xxxxxx.k6.rpm for AMD K6 libxine1-(version)-xxxxxx.k7.rpm for AMD Athlon/Duron If you don't know your CPU just get the i586 package. Download xine-ui: xine-ui-(version)-xxxxxx.i586.rpm for any CPU. Install the packages (you need to be root): # rpm -U libxine1* xine-ui* If you want full DVD support download and install libdvdcss: By default, xine expects to find your DVD-ROM at /dev/dvd. Creating a symbolic link to your device is recommended (for example, /dev/hdc or /dev/scd0). The command below should work for most users: # ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd Make sure the DMA is enabled for your DVD-ROM, otherwise playback will be 'jumpy'. # hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom ...

Learning ruby

The next few posts would be related to learning ruby. My project was on "ruby on rails". But to understand rails, I believe, I should know ruby first. I have joined an online course "". I will be posting reviews about the same here. The course is for two/three months. The following online book "" seems interesting.

Automation using selenium

I will provide the steps for automation testing as a series of tutorials. The automation is going to be done using the selenium tool (free) and Netbeans IDE (free again)! Steps 1. Download firefox browser, if you already don't have one. 2. Start firefox and go to the selenium website. Selenium is available as a plugin for firefox. We need the "selenium ide" plugin. So we go here : 3. When the browser prompts you, say "open the file" and the plugin will get installed in your browser. 4. Alternatively, you could save the file to your desktop. Now drag and drop the file into the browser window. This will install the plugin into Firefox. Result You should be able to access the plugin from the tools menu. See the screenshot below.

Learning python - python411

The best site (free) that I have come across to learn python is "". Justin (my brother) suggested this. It has many useful podcasts. I like podcasts because they help me to easily retain the information I learned . Learning becomes fun!! I am going to learn python using this site. The first tutorial I am going to try is It is supposed to be very simple.. Will keep you posted on the same!! Technorati Tags: python411 , learn python , python programming , beginners

Free icons!!

Get your free (as in freedom) icons here. I have checked them and they look really great!!

Trying to add Adsense to my blog

Nvidia drivers for OpenSuse

How To How to install latest Nvidia driver for Suse 10.2 Don'ts Dont search in google. Dont follow the instructions in any google search result Do's Head over to "" Also read ""

Speeding up video playback on xine

To speedup videoplayback, you should enable DMA. > hdparm -d /dev/dvd bash: hdparm: command not found Googled it. First result, you have to be logged in as root. Here goes. guest@linux-7vgo:~> su Password: linux-7vgo:/home/guest # linux-7vgo:/home/guest # bash: hdparm: command not found bash: bash:: command not found Now second result in google says " you have to login as root as -1". Here goes.. linux-7vgo:/home/guest # su -l linux-7vgo:~ # hdparm -d /dev/dvd /dev/dvd: using_dma = 1 (on) Success!! If it is off (0), we have to enable it. sudo hdparm -d 1 $DVD_DEVICE

More links for developing firefox extensions

how to create firefox plugin

I use fire fox plugins and I like them very much. eg: 1. selenium ide (Test automation tool) 2. Scribe (For posting blogs..this blog is being posted to blogger by scribe) 3. Gspace (converting your gmail to virtual hard disk...storing all your files online) 4. Down them all etc So how to write one for myself. Googled it. Hey, I have coined a new word..googled (like countless millions already found out) Here is the link I am reading now...

Netbeans installed successfully

Netbeans was installed successfully! Here is a screenshot. Failures First I installed netbeans by changing to root. And this failed. Steps Suppose you are currently logged in as user1. > su > Now type the password. manojtesting You are "root". Now if you run the Netbeans installer , it fails. But if you dont do "su", then Netbeans gets installed successfully!!

Downloading of jdk complete..what next?

The jdk was downloaded as .bin Running it as ./filename did not work. Nor did just typing the filename. Google gave the answer like this.. sh filename.bin It worked!! First the license agreement... Pressed "Enter" a zillion times...:) Now i type "yes" and press "Enter". It worked!! JDK was installed. Output Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 successfully installed. JDK never asks the user where to install the Jdk. It installs itself in the same directory where the jdk installer was run.. Just remember that!!!

Aim -> To install Netbeans 6.1 on Linux

Downloaded Netbeand 6.1 Linux version. My linux box is OpenSuse, by the way. Installing it gave me the message.. It cannot find the jdk. Checking that ..found it to be true.. the machine did not have jdk, only java runtime. Going to the sun site Ya, here it is. Linux self-extracting file jdk-6u6-linux-i586.bin 67.25 MB Will take one hour approximately... See you in one hour...

Extreme sports

I like doing these kinds of stuff ;) Here is the photo...!!

Free CSS?

Need to check on this site!!

Learning ruby - Baby steps

Baby Steps... First you must have an editor. For practical reasons, I suggest Netbeans IDE 6.1 Go ahead and download it. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux! First program -Hello world puts displays output to the screen. To print hello world: puts "Hellow world" (Bold letters are source code). The opposite of puts is gets. eg: value =gets() It returns whatever the user has typed on the screen. you can embed a variable inside a string like this. Syntax: print( 'What is your name: ' ) name = gets() puts( "Hello #{name}" ) By the way, I tried "SciTE" - the default editor which comes with Ruby. Good, but not great. Then I tried Netbeans 6.1. It was amazing!! 1. Intelli sense -> you type a method, all methods are there in the pop-up, with descriptions and usage! A great tool to learn the language and get good at it!! 2. Auto completion -> You say "def" and type the function name and "end" is automatically typed and align...

New login created for irctc

New login "manoj????" was created. each question mark is related to my Persistent office equipment. The password is as usual.

IRCTC Railway ticket booking This is a great site for booking your railway tickets. Just create a login and book your tickets upto three months in advance. You can book "tatkal" tickets as well. Credit card is mandatory. Debit problems give some problems with this site.

Multiple Gmail ID's in gmail

How can you get multiple email id's from one gmail account? Here is the scenario. The product I test requires multiple users. Each user has to sign up first and the password is sent to his email account. I have one gmail account. And I dont want to create 20 gmail accounts. What should I do? The solution was provided by Saurabh Seth ( and his brother). Send the mail to "<username> +<junk value> So example email addresses would be.. (assuming my email address is 1. 2. 3. etc....

Python for beginners

Hey, I have decided to study Python. I will be continuing this as a series... Typing in what I study each day. So watch the topics posted! Python was created BY Guido van Rossum. It is a general purpose lanague, very fast ( but not as much as C) and we can program it at a higher level of abstraction. Python is easy to learn, easy to use and at the same time highly powerful. founded Python is implemented in three flavours. 1. CPython (this is the "Standard" Python. It was developed first and is more stable than any other implementation). 2.JPython ( Python for java language - all functions of Python _+ all functions of Java is available. Requires the JVM) 3. Iron Python ( Python implementation for dot net developers. Supports .net functionality).

Mustard functions - Hypothetical interpreter for GUI Testing

Here are the functions of the hypothetical interpreter "Mustard'. MUSTARD FUNCTIONS Login CLICK TAB SPACE ENTER TYPE CHECK EXEC DELAY END BEGIN TYPEFILE 1. Login: Used for logging into a web page. The url of the web page should be stored in Url.txt. The X and Y co-ordinates of “username” text box should be stored after that. An ideal url file (url.txt) would look as given below. https://ps2332/S3Control/index.jsp 488 321 Work flow Web page is opened with address https://ps2332/S3Control/index.jsp. In the login page, the point 488, 321 is clicked. This brings the cursor inside the “username” text box. Now the username “A” is typed. TAB is pressed to go to “password” text box. Password “B” is typed. TAB is pressed to bring focus to “Login” button. The “Enter” key is pressed to login to the page. Usage: Login A B A= username B= password 2. CLICK: The function is used for simulating mouse click on any point on the screen. Usage: CLICK X Y X= x co-ordinate of point to b...

Tool for capturing and tracking requirements

I am looking for a free tool - good if it is opensource - great if it in python or java - the two languages i like best. The tool should be able to capture requirements. We should be able to track it as well. I am imagining three checkboxes - 1) completed 2) Not done 3) In progress and a text box called "Comments" against each of these requirements.

Unit Testing Ruby on Netbeans IDE

For ruby unit testing, we need to extend from the class "Test::Unit:: TestCase? ". Suppose the following "Demo" class exists. It has only one method ie “return_two”. class Demo def return_two 2 end end The method "return_two" returns the value 2. We could have written "return 2" or just "2" since ruby returns the value of the last line in the method. Now let us write the class to test the "Demo" class. I have used Netbeans IDE. By convention, we have to name test classes as "Test+ ClassName? ". So we have " TestDemo? " as the classname. Here is the ruby code. $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','lib') require 'test/unit' require 'demo' class TestDemo < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_foo d= assert_equal 2, d. return_two # assert_equal("foo", bar) end def test_fail d= assert_equal 3, d. re...

Interesting website for books

Just joined

Configuring thunderbird with gmail

Not able to send email from my desktop. sending a picture from Gwenview opened up "KMail composer" asking me to configure the pop3 account. Searching in google - for "gmail pop3". Google supports only following mail clients. ( ) Apple Mail 3.0 Outlook Express Outlook 2002 Outlook 2003 (see our animated demo ) Outlook 2007 Thunderbird 2.0 Windows Mail Other So "Thunderbird 2.0" it was. Configuring thunderbird with gmai is given in detail here. So fired up Yast and entered thunderbird. Downloading the latest version (around 25 MB).

QT4 - developing application on opensuse linux

There is a cool feature introduced in Windows xp. If your computer is going to hang, just pull out "task bar" and "End task" the application. Why don't we have something similar in linux? I decided to create one. Which is the language and the IDE we can use here. My brother Justin suggested QT4. I researched. He was right. The remaining blogs would be dedicated to QT4.

Fedora core 9 crashed on amd64 bit.

I spent four days downloading Fedora core 9. It was a whopping 4.5 GB. Yesterday I tried installing it and it crashed. The computer just went off. Phit!!! Reason: Fedora core 9 is using the latest bleeding edge technologies. Currently Nvidia is not supporting drivers for KDE 4. Guess what? Fedora core 9 is using KDE 4. Well, bad luck for the users!! All you can see is the crash of Fedora core 9. Dont bother to read the release notes if you are using Nvidia drivers. See the crash, reboot your machine and install another Linux. My favourite Linux is Open Suse 10 I love the way these people do everything. Right from the time, the installer begins to the end - where you install additional software using Yast, everythng is a breeze!! Do remember NOT to install ZEN Virtualization. It is a real pain in the ass!! For suse 10.3, they have recongnized the mistake and removed the software from the official release.

Advantages of blogging

We face a lot of issues in our day to day life. As software engineers, most of them are related to software testing. We find answers to these problems after much research. Why not share it in the blog? People all over the world who face similar problems could benefit from it.

Blogging from Firefox using scribe fire

We could use scribe fire to blog from firefox. Scribe is available as a plugin from the firefox website. After installation, you can configure scribe to connect to easily.

Testing with scribe fire

This is a test.

How to install a ruby build - dependent on mysql

Download the build from SVN . Pre-requisite Tortoise svn is setup and is working properly. Ruby and rake are installed. Steps 1. In any directory, create a new folder. Rename it to something like "Test build version 0.5 build 1". 2. Right click on the folder and select "SVN checkout" from the menu. 3. In the pop-up "Checkout", make sure the "URL of repository" field has the correct data. 4. Now in the "Revision" heading, select the "Revision" check box and enter the revision number (say "333"). 5. Click on "ok". Result: The build gets downloaded to the new directory you created in step 1. Configuring the build. 1.  Now go to the directory "Test build version 0.5 build 1". Navigate to config->database.yml 2. Edit the file "database.yml". 3. Under the heading "development", change the database field to something like "Testdatabase_05_2". 4. Change the password to cur...

Eccentricities of xampp

Xampp asks you to secure the password. After securing the password, what is the username to login to xampp website? During securing of xampp, it only asks for the password Solution: The default user is "lampp" If you used xampp to change the passwords, the user should still be "lampp" Website:

Installing ruby on rails in linux - the easy way

Ruby was already present in the system. To install rails, we have to install gems first. Download gems, go to that directory, login as root > su Password: and type as below. ruby setup.rb Now to install rails, we have to install a lot of gems first. All this can be done automatically if you type gem install rails --include-dependencies Result is given below. # gem install rails --include-dependencies INFO: `gem install -y` is now default and will be removed INFO: use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list Bulk updating Gem source index for: Bulk updating Gem source index for: Successfully installed rake-0.8.1 Successfully installed activesupport-2.0.2 Successfully installed activerecord-2.0.2 Successfully installed actionpack-2.0.2 Successfully installed actionmailer-2.0.2 Successfully installed activeresource-2.0.2 Successfully installed rails-2.0.2 7 gems installed Installing ri documentation for rake-0.8.1...

How to create screencast

VNC to swf

Photoshop effects

I really love these photoshop effects. How to create it is given here.

XAMPP on OpenSuse 10.2

Another choice is installing MySQL Database Server from a complete bundled from XAMPP . XAMPP bundled MySQL Database Server with Apache webserver, PHP and Perl Engine. Installing XAMPP on Linux box is very easy. This step was taken from . 1. Download XAMPP for Linux from 2. Go to a Linux shell and login as the system administrator root : su 3. Extract the downloaded archive file to /opt : tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.6.tar.gz -C /opt Warning: Please use only this command to install XAMPP. DON'T use any Microsoft Windows tools to extract the archive, it won't work. Warning 2: already installed XAMPP versions get overwritten by this command. That's all. XAMPP is now installed below the /opt/lampp directory. 4. Start To start XAMPP simply call this command: /opt/lampp/lampp start You should now see something like this on your screen: Starting XAMPP 1.6... LAMPP: Starting Apache... LAMPP: Starting MySQL... LAMPP started. Ready. Apa...

Increasing selnium functionality

A good place to increase functionality of selenium Blogged with the Flock Browser


The best snacks ann likes is pav bhaji

Simple Linux commands

What is the command in linux to find the version of the operating system. is Red hat or Suse etc. # uname -a and # cat /etc/issue

Monday, May 19 2008

Taking part in the Google Puzzle contest!!